Saturday, 25 July 2015

Remembering Abhee Dutt-Mazumder and “Maldevelopment” (& Singur, Cars, ...)

(after getting the info of Abhee Dutt Majumder Memorial Public Lectures On “Corporate Might Versus Peoples' Right” on 25.07.2015)

I could meet him only once tête-à-tête. That was a rainy day in 2006. We did not have much time; it was in a small room in an institute. 

We were trying to convey him our ideas on “development” in which society and environment was integrated. The Singur movement had, by then, just started.  And naturally “cars” were in our talks. He also talked vigorously against the anti-people development. It was really a riveting experience – how a scientist of his stature, so deeply involved in researches as he was, could at the same time be so cognisant, well versed and sensitive in socio-economic aspects.

It was indeed very heartening when we saw the beautiful term “Maldevelopment” in the short publication of TASAM – Teachers And Scientists Against Maldevelopment – perhaps in November 2006 – and we had quite a number of respected scientists on the streets against the neoliberal aggression on society and Nature. 

Abhee took pioneering role not only in TASAM during its making and its work, but also in FAMA, Forum Against Monopolistic Aggression.   

As a tribute to him let me put here a few of the points we raised, in a bit elaborate form, as some parts of that was also scribbled somewhere – and as i cannot recollect properly, it would be improper to present what he communicated, moreover, some parts were personal. Two contextual graphs with recent data are added. This is Not an article at all, just remembering few points re: cars and Maldevelopment that we talked.

Normally, these days, the Indian followers of western development  logic, like the ABP group of dailies, the CPI (M), and etcetera believe that some important index of ‘development’ are more people buying and riding cars, more ‘suitable’ infrastructure, like high speed driving through Expressways, etc. Their attitude in this respect is highly questionable, and should have to be confronted head on. 

1. Taking more and more possible people out of the Public Transport System to ‘personal’ transport was a conscious plan of the capitalists, which was striven with a great deal of effort particularly in the USA, and by the ruling class of the USA.

2. Similar and almost concurrent was the effort of switching more and more from the Railways to Roadways in case of goods transport.

3. More cars and trucks ® More roads and expressways making ® More Petroleum extraction – refining – distribution ® More repair shops ® More ‘convenience’ in Roadways ® More cars and trucks ® More roads and expressways making ® More Petroleum extraction – refining – distribution ® … thus went the capitalist ‘development’ logic, which meant extended reproduction, yielded more and more profit, etc and gave capitalism, particularly in the developed countries, a good lease of life, a good boost, by this plan too.

4. To attract more and more people towards ‘personal’ vehicles and away from Public Transport System individualistic, ‘exclusiveness’ etc cult was consciously proliferated by capitalist media. It helped those at the govt too, who were eager to minimise their ‘contribution’ [though that contribution was from and out of ‘Public’ money itself] subsidised public transport system. The resulting ‘inconvenience’ in public transport system too pushed many towards switching to ‘personal’ motor vehicles.
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5. But the result was devastating at least on two counts: [A] Accidents on roads increased to an astounding height – even some highly placed bureaucrats of the most ‘developed’ countries planned to put this agenda for a G8 summit. Perhaps it is not an exaggeration: an estimate puts the number of road accident death per year to be more than the number of people killed in the First World War. [B] Environmental pollution was havoc. Lead poisoning due to leaded fuels became a matter of anxiety in cities like Mexico City, etc. Then there was a switching to un-leaded petrol. But even then, if we do not take into account for a moment the Nitrogenous and Sulphurous poisonous gases plus carbon in monoxide and un-burnt particle forms, a single litre of petroleum on combustion produces almost three kilograms of Carbon dioxide – the dangerous “Green-House” gas. And also, as if as a by-product, this petrochemical cycle gave us: the notoriously hazardous plastic-polythene-polymer ‘revolution’.

6. Governments in our country including the CPI (M) led ‘left’ governments are fond of the aforesaid imperialist-capitalist logic. Among major metros, perhaps Calcutta is unique in the sense that here private operators dominate public transport in roadways, and State-Transport is in sheer minority. The WB govt has done enough to dismantle to a good extent the subsidised public transport system, to reduce electricity run Tramways, all during the ‘left’ reign; and also it has done enough to increase petroleum-based pollution.

7. Prominent intellectuals like much renowned Mr. Arnold Toynbee and religious thinker like Daisaku Ikeda of Japan have visualised the potential dangers to Nature and Humanity by this ever-increasing use of personal cars and roadways transport, perhaps some 30-35 years ago in their book Road to Life. They were in the opinion to limit austerely this kind of irrational mode of transport barring some cases of emergency [like rushing an ambulance or fire-brigade vehicles, etc] if that is unavoidable.

8. Some US scholars of Marxist Economics, e.g., Paul Baran, Paul Sweezy, have pointed to the capitalist conscious design behind all these and their effort through these to cultivate and nurture the anti-collective individualistic tendency among persons, nearly four decades ago. They called this mode of transport based on ‘personal automobiles’ – irrational.